Klaus Kannen

``I don't believe there is anything in the whole earth that you can't learn in Berlin except the German language.``
Mark Twain after his stay in Berlin, Winter 1891/1892

Guten Tag!
My name is Klaus Kannen. I was born in 1958 in a small town in the West of Germany. In 1977 I visited West-Berlin for the first time – then and now the only really big city in Germany. I was immediately spellbound. After many occasional visits I finally relocated to Berlin in 1987 to study at West-Berlin’s Freie Universität. I majored in geography and political science.

To pay for my studies I worked as a cabby. The side effect:  I got to know almost every corner of the newly unified city. In 1992 I started working as a guide. Doing so I became more and more intrigued by the history, the architecture and the cultural life of the city. What fascinated me most however was meeting with people from all over the world. So I decided to turn this work into my profession. 
I find it hard to specialise: I am simply too interested in so many different things. Count on my substantial general knowledge to provide an in-depth answer to whatever questions may arise.

Urbanites need a balance. Berlin offers an abundance of nature right in the city as well as in the surrounding areas. I take great pleasure in introducing these treasures to our visitors. 
Not my cup of tea is nightlife: I had my share – and it was fine.


For me Berlin continues to be the most vibrant city in Germany. A place where you can live well and still discover unknown corners on a daily basis. Berlin is a walk-in history book; there are chapters that stand for some of the worst, others for some of the best of 20th century history. To help you to get this kind of grasp of the city is my constant motivation.

Speaks German and English

Specialized in Prussia, Roaring 20’s, WW II, Cold War, architecture, Jewish Berlin, parks & palaces, culture & nature

Tours by limousine, coach, boat, bike and walking tours

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